Update on Foot-and-Mouth Disease: Colombia, Venezuela and Suriname

FMD outbreaks were notified to the OIE in July 2017 in Colombia, previously FMD free with vaccination for 99% of his territory, putting the Latin America and the Caribbean regions under FMD alert (see first epidemiological note). A total of 3,325 livestock were slaughtered and since 20th July, 2017 no new outbreak occurred. The OIE declared the outbreaks resolved on 24 September, 2017.

Colombia: FMD outbreaks resolved

Epidemiological investigations found out that the origin of outbreaks according to the location was due to illegal movement of animals from Venezuela (no OIE official status for FMD) while the spread within the country was due to swill feeding and fomites (humans, vehicles, feed, etc.). Source 1; Source 2; Source 3

Control measures were rapidly applied: stamping out and quarantine of susceptible animals, thorough movement restriction inside the country and control at the border, vaccination, Intensive epidemiological surveillance outside and within containment and/or protection zone, zoning, traceability, official destruction of animal products, official disposal of carcasses, by-products and waste and disinfection of potentially contaminated area…

On August 9 Colombia's President Juan Manuel Santos announced that FMD was under control and that they expected to quickly regain the FMD-free sanitary status. Source

The Colombian Ministry of Agriculture has submitted a technical proposal to the OIE in order to recover its free status. Source

Venezuela: Withdrawal of the endorsement of FMD official control programme

The OIE scientific commission for Animal diseases had decided to withdraw the endorsement of the OIE official control programme for FMD for Venezuela. This decision follow the submission by Venezuela of their action plan and progress report on the FMD situation with regards to its official FMD control programme. Source

Epidemiological comments: Suriname

Dr. Giana KARG, Chief Veterinary Officer of Suriname has submitted comments for her country which is currently “without an OIE official status for FMD”. She had indicated that Suriname has never reported a case of FMD and that Suriname is historically free. With the assistance of PANAFTOSA, Suriname is preparing the dossier to apply for the OIE recognition of their FMD free without vaccination status in 2018.

About EU-FMD commission: resources and possible support to CaribVET

EU-FMD is the European Commission for the control of Foot-and-Mouth Diseases. It is established to support member countries in the EU region to prevent and /or Control FMD. There are 38 Members states and it is funded by the Member states and the EU commission.

CaribVET was contacted by EU-FMD on 27 June 2017 to discuss possibilities of offering a training for the Caribbean – an online training course (10 hours during 4 weeks) on FMD preparedness.

The Coordination Unit at its virtual meeting of Sept 12, 2017 agreed it was important to organize a course for the Caribbean as there is a real risk of FMD introduction in the Caribbean, especially in Suriname, Guyana, French Guiana (illegal movements of animals); because a number of counties are working to achieving an FMD-free status. Finally, being prepared for FMD, prepares one for any other disease, including HPAI which is still a regional priority.

Proposed dates for the training to be organized were Oct or Nov. The dates will be further communicated when support is confirmed.